Sophisticated Power
In the last few years, NAD has moved away from the old-fashioned linear power supplies and Class AB output stages that waste energy, and have instead developed even better performing circuits based on switch mode power supplies and Class D output stages. Once thought to be inferior to traditional topologies, NAD’s advanced work in this area has created some of the best performing amplifiers regardless of basic design principle. These new designs are very linear over a wide bandwidth and provide consistent performance into all speaker loads, providing a dramatic advance over previous models.
Furthermore, the power supply is capable of 80 watts continuously and over 120 watts instantaneously to allow for short-term musical transients. It can operate with any AC mains voltage from 100 to 240 volts and provides pure DC power to all the various stages of the C 368. This highly efficient supply also provides near perfect regulation of voltage across a wide range of conditions and provides a solid noise-free foundation for the amplifying stages.
The C 368 uses a customized version of the proven Hypex UcD output stage. This allows for massive power with nearly unmeasurable distortion and noise in the audible range. Every detail of this design has been carefully planned and perfectly executed to produce every last drop of performance.